
skywarn  P.R.A. Skywarn Net prat

These nets will relay reports to NWS via the Spotter line, Packet, or via the NWS liaison frequency for the North Shore which is the 146.640 Waltham, MA repeater. The ham radio operator running the NWS Taunton ham station may also check in and field reports from these weather nets.


Mark W1MAR
Mark is the Primary contact person for the P.R.A. SKYWARN Net on the 146.625 repeater.

These repeaters may also be used to liaison in reports from Southern New Hampshire as needed.


Skywarn and Forecast Links


National Weather Service Links:
Taunton, MA
Grey Maine
Albany NY
Skywarn National Homepage
Link to all Centers
Forecast Tools:Live Doppler Radar
Satellite Images
Upper Air Analysis Charts
Lawrence Forcast from National Weather Service
Skywarn Merchandise
SKYWARN-related Materials


Eastern Mass ARES and RACES

Southern New England Skywarn

National Skywarn

Other Weather Related Web Sites

NE River Forecast Center
National Climatic Data Center
Storm Prediction Center
National Severe Storms Lab
Tropical Prediction Center
Space Flight Meteorology Group
American Meteorological Society 
National Weather Association
Northeast U.S. Weather Page